If you own a business, you definitely know that in all fields, you always have a big competitor. For example, if a person wants to open an online store in America, the first thing he sees in front of him are sites like Amazon and Walmart. Sites that are quickly assigned the first ranks due to their powerful domain. You have probably encountered such cases. Although you have much better and more powerful content than these giants, you still have a weaker rank than them. This is very annoying. These big competitors exist in almost every business field. But should we give up and accept defeat? Definitely not. Using SEO services in Dubai is a continuous and everyday process. A continuous activity that if implemented on the right platform will have better results every day than yesterday. It is difficult to reach the top at the very beginning, but if you start from the bottom, know the paths and move forward, you will gradually get closer to the top. Consider these steps as the main path and continue to achieve success.
Step 1: Know Your Customer Persona
The only way you can differentiate yourself from these big competitors( such as Amazon and Walmart) is to identify your audience personas. You need to know exactly who your customers are. What problems do they have? What are their dreams and what are they looking for?
Step 2: Determine the Main Keywords
There are always gaps in content production. Because new products are produced day by day. Newer needs are formed in the audience and what you should not forget is that you are not going to compete with each other only in some keywords.
Step 3: Check the Structure and Status of Competitors
That you always see that your competitors are ahead of you is a normal phenomenon at the beginning of work. Because of course, the longer the life of a site, the greater its power. But you can still learn a lot about these competitors.
Step 4: Compete But Don’t Copy
you have to create your own special customers. Conduct market research and differentiate yourself from your competitors. You should be able to strengthen your positive points but remember that you are not going to copy your competitors.
Step 5: Pursue Bigger Goals Each Time
As a newbie who recently launched your website, you cannot compete with big sites that have been working continuously for 10 years. But if you choose newer competitors every time and try to get ahead of them, maybe after a year or more, your main competitor will be this 10-year-old site. To win this competition contact Beontop.ae.

Skateboarder, foodie, music blogger, International Swiss style practitioner and RISD grad. Acting at the sweet spot between beauty and mathematics to express ideas through design. I prefer clear logic to decoration.